12. Quiz preparation
Quiz Weightage
- 1-20 MCQs (20%) – Similar to kahoot questions
- Exercise (40%)
- Essay/Exercise Question (40%)
Case study of Louis Vuitton
Questions #1
- Position as a luxury brand for travel
Singapore LV boutique
Theme (story) – Luxury, sea voyage, luxury travel
- Materials cues that evoke luxury travel
- Design of the store is similar to a ship
- Sales people
What do employees do?
What do consumers do?
- Immersion; minimal part of spectators
- Taking pictures
- Going through the ship gives a sense of travel
Question #2
Demarketing: Being more selective in terms of people; being selective who has access to the brand and product
Q. How does intimidation work in luxury marketing?
- People who dont have the cultural capital to understand the brand are intimidated by the brand
- Designed to exclude people who dont have the cultural capital to understand the brand
A good answer should contain:
- Define cultural capital
- Cultural capital is knowledge that helps establish your belonging to higher social class
To do before next class
- Complete the revision exercise